Sunday, May 31, 2020

Update JibberJobber Training and User Webinars

Update JibberJobber Training and User Webinars I finally set up the JibberJobber user webinars so that you can access them with the new GoToWebinar VOIP option which means you dont have to call into a number simply listen on your computer speakers.     Hopefully this reduces any confusion about the audio portion. I also set up a recurring webinar training, starting on Wednesday (June 3rd) and going every other week through the rest of the year (you can see part of that schedule here).   When I first starting using GoToWebinar they didnt have this feature, so people would say why is the webinar in December of 2009?   This should be resolved now, also hopefully. To get on this next webinar (June 3rd), or any webinar after that, simply register at this link below.   When you register you will get an email back with info on how to get on the webinar. THE BIGGEST CONFUSION Ive seen is the TIME of the webinar. These webinars are at 9am MST, which is 8am PST, 10am CST and 11am EST.   I dont know how to do the higher level math and calculations that Arizona people can do, so I cant say what time it is there, but Im guessing they can figure it out based on 9am MST Here are some other ways to get help with JibberJobber: Written documentation in the WIKI.   This is a project we started a while ago if you have any suggestions on what to add, just let us know. JibberJobber Two Minute Tutorial Videos.   Some are more than two minutes, some are less than two minutes, but you get the point.   Many are years old, were updating these in a different place, check this out for the most updated user tutorials. As always you can use the Contact Us form to submit questions, suggestions, rants, raves, etc. Note that all of these links are found from the HELP page, which is at the bottom of every page in JibberJobber, including this blog. Im very pleased with the LinkedIn for Job Seekers DVD the comments Im getting about it in my email and from the Amazon reviews have been awesome!   If you havent gotten yours yet, you can get it from here if you are a coach, outplacement firm, operate a college career center, etc. email me about bulk rates and site licenses. Update JibberJobber Training and User Webinars I finally set up the JibberJobber user webinars so that you can access them with the new GoToWebinar VOIP option which means you dont have to call into a number simply listen on your computer speakers.     Hopefully this reduces any confusion about the audio portion. I also set up a recurring webinar training, starting on Wednesday (June 3rd) and going every other week through the rest of the year (you can see part of that schedule here).   When I first starting using GoToWebinar they didnt have this feature, so people would say why is the webinar in December of 2009?   This should be resolved now, also hopefully. To get on this next webinar (June 3rd), or any webinar after that, simply register at this link below.   When you register you will get an email back with info on how to get on the webinar. THE BIGGEST CONFUSION Ive seen is the TIME of the webinar. These webinars are at 9am MST, which is 8am PST, 10am CST and 11am EST.   I dont know how to do the higher level math and calculations that Arizona people can do, so I cant say what time it is there, but Im guessing they can figure it out based on 9am MST Here are some other ways to get help with JibberJobber: Written documentation in the WIKI.   This is a project we started a while ago if you have any suggestions on what to add, just let us know. JibberJobber Two Minute Tutorial Videos.   Some are more than two minutes, some are less than two minutes, but you get the point.   Many are years old, were updating these in a different place, check this out for the most updated user tutorials. As always you can use the Contact Us form to submit questions, suggestions, rants, raves, etc. Note that all of these links are found from the HELP page, which is at the bottom of every page in JibberJobber, including this blog. Im very pleased with the LinkedIn for Job Seekers DVD the comments Im getting about it in my email and from the Amazon reviews have been awesome!   If you havent gotten yours yet, you can get it from here if you are a coach, outplacement firm, operate a college career center, etc. email me about bulk rates and site licenses.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Business, Medical and Legal Resume Writing Services

Business, Medical and Legal Resume Writing ServicesBusiness, medical and legal resume writing services are the fastest growing type of service in the Boston area. However, not all of these services are created equal, so it's important to find the best talent for your resume.Most individuals online are looking for Boston resume services. If you want to expand your marketing plan or just add more variety to your list of potential clients, hiring a resume writer could be just what you need. If you have any specific questions or concerns, make sure to make an appointment for a consultation.Many individuals in the Boston area are frustrated with the bureaucracy of government and legal departments, so a good attorney, physician or business person could fill a void. Having an attorney write your resume could bring you a new client, but at what expense? While no one wants to see a third party judge on their resume, that's exactly what they are when a contract legal professional does the job. Businesses often times need to hire a full-time attorney for their legal work. Even for just a single case, they are often needed to handle multiple matters at once. They have seen some great deals online and can save you a significant amount of money and time by looking for a Boston resume writing service rather than hiring a lawyer on your own.Job seekers who want to get their foot in the door in the industry will also want to find a reputable organization. Boston resumes have evolved from writing to computerized services, but that doesn't mean a job is out of reach. A doctor can still be located using online research alone. In fact, doing that online research will give the person more options than they might find at the offices of a prestigious Boston resume writing service.Making your resume stand out to a search engine is critical to making it out of the massof resumes for a particular position, but the easiest way to do that is to use the services of a qualified Boston resume writing service. The quality of these services will vary, but if you can find a trusted and respected company, you should be in good hands. Providing professional and competent resume services is vital to your business growth and survival.Most professional resume writers in Boston can assist you in the matter of creating the perfect resume. They can create a fresh, yet professional resume that reflects your skills and credentials. This is exactly what you need to get ahead in the job world and the overall business world.The world of opportunities is changing at a rapid pace, and you can be one of the first professionals in the market to benefit from it. Seek out the services of a qualified Boston resume writing service and reap the benefits of their expertise. It will help increase your knowledge and provide the proper information for your future.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Think Calls are Better than Emails Think Again

Think Calls are Better than Emails Think Again I recently read an article entitled, “Dont Send an Email if You Can Pick Up the Phone.” The article was written by a former member of the Washington, DC political workforce who recounted the advice given to him by a veteran lobbyist. The lesson he took from the conversation was simply not to put anything in writing that you don’t want published for all to see. I consider the article’s title to be a double-edged sword â€" good advice for social media, bad for office communication. The article only refers to social media etiquette, and it’s certainly not surprising why someone who works in politics would want to avoid a paper trail leading to incriminating evidence. The author cites a recent case involving three teachers at a Rhode Island prep school who were forced to resign after making insulting and derogatory comments about their students on the Slack app. The comments were subsequently shared with the school community by a hacker via a Google Doc, causing outrage among school officials and parents. As far as I’m concerned, the subject of what NOT to post on social media is so old and trite, it’s hardly worthy of mention. With social media well into its second decade of popularity, employers would do well to wash their hands of any employee who still can’t distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate content. The lesson to be learned is applicable for all professions â€" don’t put anything in writing that could damage your career, your reputation or that of your employer. Switching gears, when I first read the title of the article, I thought it referred to typical office communication as opposed to incriminating social media posts and texts. I’ve had jobs in the past where managers prioritized phone conversations over email communication, regardless of which yielded better results. While I’ve never been shy about picking up the phone when the situation requires, I’ve always gravitated toward email communication if given the choice. Here’s why. Point of Reference My organizational skills are significantly better than my short-term memory. On a regular basis, I refer back to emails that I archive in folders based on client name or content. When communicating with numerous people daily regarding multiple projects, recalling specific details of a particular conversation after several months becomes nearly impossible. Archiving emails allows me to recall essential information that would be long-forgotten had it only existed in a phone conversation. Proofread to Perfection There’s a reason my title in my signature block says “Writer” and not “Speaker.” Constructing a well-thought-out email to a client or coworker allows me the chance to write, rewrite, proofread and edit until the final result looks polished and professional. Even if you’re just sending an informal email to a coworker, the content is still a reflection of your detail-orientation and professionalism. Similarly, if you anticipate follow-up questions after conveying important information to a client or coworker, it’s always better to provide thoughtful, accurate responses by email than spontaneous, inaccurate responses by phone. Cover All Bases Most of us have experienced the occasional client or manager who requests something, then after a period of time and dealing with numerous other people and projects, mysteriously changes the details of their request, only to insist that their request never changed at all. While sometimes you have no choice as to how you’re contacted with the initial request, if it’s in an email, it can mean the difference in an angry client or manager blaming you for not following directions, or them admitting fault and commending your attention to detail. In any job, both verbal and written communication skills are essential. Focusing only on one and not the other would be a mistake, and I certainly would not advise an employee to avoid taking or receiving phone calls. However, when both are weighted equally and given the choice, I find email communication advantageous. Regardless of what method of communication you prefer, when you decide to communicate in writing, remember…proofread, archive, and NEVER send or post anything you’ll regret.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Personal Branding Interview Don Bulmer - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Personal Branding Interview Don Bulmer - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Today, I spoke to Don Bulmer, who is the Vice President of Global Communications at SAP AG.   In this interview, Don talks to us about the most important aspect of his personal brand, how social media is changing marketing, how social networks make it easier for companies to grow their audiences and much more. What is the most important aspect of your personal brand? The most important aspect of my personal brand is success enablement. I discovered early in my career that individual success (and self promotion) is important â€" especially as you build expertise, credibility and mastery of your craft as an individual contributor.   However, at a certain point in your career as you look to move from an individual contributor role to that of a manager or organizational leadership role, your success is measured by a much different and arguably more important set of criteria. In large part your success will be measured on your ability to enable the success of others. This often requires the ability to motivate and get the best out of people (where often you have no authority over them) to follow your lead and to work together to achieve a common set of goals that generate a much higher level of organizational, company and even industry success.   I feel that good leadership comes from the ability to be a success multiplier and for me this is a very important aspect of my personal brand which I constantly strive to evolve. You recently had a blog post that included an article about how social media is changing marketing. Can you explain the difference between business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-person (B2P) marketing? The Internet has rapidly expanded to become a global network of seamlessly connected computers and devices that has revolutionized information sharing and communications, challenged governments, broken down cultural barriers and driven innovation and business velocity to levels never before imagined. One of the most important successes of the Internet is how it is enabling globalization and more importantly business model innovation. Today’s most successful companies are driving product and business model innovation from outside their own walls by leveraging the Internet as a collaborative community-building platform. This platform has allowed organizations to harness the innovation power of the community and not just individual innovation; some notable examples are and   With the execution of business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) ecommerce over the last ten years, the Internet has enabled companies to create, build and maintain rich and vibrant ecosystems of partners, suppliers and now social networks. At the center of these ecosystems is the customer who has indeed benefited the most from these advances. However, we are now entering the age of business-to-person (B2P) communications, which is the result of Web 2.0 based social networking platforms that give new power to the customer and the communities of interest that form around them. The affects of this transformation have broad and lasting impact on marketing and communication professionals. The financial crises and daunting uncertainty across global markets has put significant pressure on companies to aggressively manage both the bottom-line (expenses and operational budgets) and top-line growth (sales and revenue generation). This intensive thrust to ‘back-to-basics’ management impacts all departments and organizations. Managers are required to make adjustments to their operations to become more focused and efficient and deliver more value and results for their company (and some cases much more) with less resource (and in some cases much less). The convergence of the recession, with web 2.0 technologies and social media/social networking strategies has created a perfect storm for marketing and communication professionals. We are now forced to make fundamental shifts and adjustments to our strategies to account for reduced budgets where ‘virtual’ is becoming a new reality for events and a budgets for traditional advertising (print and online) are being shifted to investments in social media and community marketing. Do social networks make it easier for companies to target specific audiences? Yes. We are now starting to experience how social networks are changing the way we do business and are, in themselves, new ecosystems, virally creating communities within communities that are driving brand recognition and brand experience.   Social networks are being leveraged by sales executives to understand the networks of prospects and leads and customers in the realm of B2P marketing and sales. Social networks facilitate and automate vast interactions, connections and networks of people by enabling collaboration with colleagues, clients and suppliers anywhere and at any time. This new paradigm lessens the need for travel, and these platforms incorporate a rich suite of evolving Web 2.0 applications. The impact of these far-reaching social networks on business is becoming clearer every day as millions of consumers, partners, suppliers and businesses discuss and share their brand experiences.   As we enter the era of B2P marketing communications, those organizations that harness Web 2.0 technologies and platforms to enable business-to-person communications will be the winners. Laggards that do not understand the value of social networking and its appeal to the emotional side of customer relationship management will lose competitiveness and, ultimately, market share. The era of B2P marketing harnesses the new and deep connections that are forming between customers, products and their suppliers. Peer groups, associations and social networks are now one of the most powerful influencing mediums in the world. The article also says that consumers are demanding more transparency. How can you be transparent with your personal brand without giving out too much information? What is unnerving for many marketing and communication professionals about managing influence in a Web 2.0 world is that social media forces you to play by ‘crowd rules.’ Crowd rules dictate a fair level of transparency, authenticity, agility, honesty [you can continue to fill in the blank] but most important crowd rules require you to LISTEN. No longer are the ‘house rules’ of marketing and communications effective where you can create a message or position and expect it to automatically resonate or stick in the market. Using Word of Mouth (WoM) as an example. In the old model of WoM (before the emergence of Web 2.0), if a customer had a good or bad experience with your company’s product or service, they might share the experience with a neighbor, friend or a colleague at work. In this old model of WoM the collective community experience with your brand would ‘eventually’ create a community reality in a viral fashion over a ‘period’ of time. The affects of this in a Web 2.0 world are much different. In a Web 2.0 world if ‘a’ customer has a bad experience with your company’s product or service and they share that experience in a blog or other form of social media (like Twitter) this experience can reach hundreds, thousands or millions of people overnight â€" around the world. This can cause great brand destruction and turmoil if you are not prepared to address it.   Now, even in ‘crowd rules’ not everyone expects a company to be infallible. You just have to LISTEN. If you have good sensory awareness and respond to negative issues quickly if for nothing else than to show corporate humility and engage with a negative blogger or disgruntled customer/community to understand the issues, you can quickly turn an adverse situation into great opportunity by: Fixing the product and/or service issues to advance greater business opportunities. You have the opportunity to turn a negative blogger or customer into a net promoter â€" which is the greatest form of advocacy/influence you can hope for. Social media changes the rules of the game in an era of new marketing and new communications, by forcing companies to be more accountable. I personally think that this is a great thing.   If you understand and learn to work within the crowd rules of Web 2.0 in an authentic and agile way, you will increase your company’s brand value and overall experience in the industry. What is the best way to build your personal brand with social media? In one word: Engage! Join discussions, contribute ideas, share your experiences and ask provocative questions that not only show your intellect and personal experience but also involve the ‘crowd’ in social discussions of issues that just might be the answer to solving big problems of great personal, corporate, social and economic significance. Don Bulmer is Vice President of Global Communications at SAP AG. As part of the global communications management team at SAP Don is responsible for leading the Industry and Influencer Relations organization which includes: IT Influencer Relations, Business Influencer Relations, Global Customer Communities, Integrated Partner Communications and University Alliance programs. Don has over 14 years of multi-national experience leading award-winning marketing, communication and business development programs with measurable affect in accelerating the sales and competitive strength of enterprise technology, Internet start-up and professional service companies.   He blogs at Everday Influence.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Writing a Resume When You Are an Internal Candidate

Writing a Resume When You Are an Internal CandidateWhen it comes to writing a resume, there are some things that you should consider when you are an internal candidate. Some of these things can be a pain for you, while others will be good for you in the long run.First of all, when you are an internal candidate, you should know that your resume has more value when it is more tailored to your specific job role. For example, if you are working as a child-care assistant, you need to write a resume that shows how your skills and qualifications match up with that of the position that you are applying for.This will allow you to get an idea of what your position is like and will make it easier for you to know whether or not you are being called in for interviews. In addition, some employers are not willing to hire people just because they have already done this job before. For this reason, you should always show that you have what it takes to do the job that you are applying for.Secondly, be sure that you fill up all of the available space on your resume with relevant information that is useful to your new employer. The most important thing to remember is that you should not be tempted to delete any information from your resume that may actually help you out. It is much better to leave the entire material on your resume for your employer to find, rather than erase anything that is needed for your success.Finally, when you are an internal candidate, there are certain things that you should be ready to reveal in your cover letter. These may include information that could be considered personal in nature. To ensure that you do not get any sort of negative attention on this front, be sure that you make it clear that your cover letter will come in place of your resume.In addition, ensure that you do not use any references that have not seen you in a position that you are applying for, but even if they have, be sure to wait until after you have made contact with the employer . You never want to have your reference check, interview and then see that you do not meet their standards.Finally, when you are an internal candidate, be sure that you apply for positions that are still open. You might be surprised to learn that if you apply to a position that is not open, you might actually get hired sooner rather than later.The final step of all of this is to ensure that you write a resume that is designed specifically for your job. To ensure that you do not miss out on a great position, all of the information that you should include in your resume is always covered in your resume.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Top 7 Criminal Justice Career Profiles

Top 7 Criminal Justice Career Profiles â€" Unless you’re part of a certain profession, it’s hard to imagine how many careers there are that are related to it. For example, running a school doesn’t take just teachers.It takes administrators and certain professionals in various areas, from special education to athletics. It also takes people to care for a building and other facilities. And that’s just a starter list of all the people required to make things go, day in and day out.There are other areas that have the same amount of diversity in type of job related to a particular field. One that’s long drawn the interest of people interested in something professional but interesting, challenging, and positive for the affect it can have on the world is criminal justice.evalThere are so many jobs that are related to this field whether you’re interested in administrative work or you want to do something out in the field.Let’s talk about criminal justice management for starters.This would be a leader of sorts, but even people interested in this field have a number of different options. For starters, they could head a police force. They could also, however, head an educational criminology program.The point is that the jobs in criminal justice management involve leadership and supervision. What other particular skills they require depend on the skill set that you’ve chosen to pursue.Some people, of course, are drawn to criminal justice because they want to be out in the field pursuing justice. That, too, can look like a number of different things. For starters, there’s a famous job to consider â€" a Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI, agent. However, not every FBI agent pursues the same kind of criminal or has the same sort of job.Some are definitely out in the field, pursuing arrests and tracking criminals. Some, however, put their brains and skills to use for other types of crime, say bank fraud. The varying types of agents will still require a number of similar skills, including selectio n from a few types of majors. And the more skills you add to your skill set, such as speaking different languages, the better for your opportunities at a place like the FBI.If you’re interested in helping monitor people once they’ve served their time, you could also work in a field like a probation officer. There are different levels of this, some state and some federal, but basically the person works as a link between the criminal and the court system.evalThis requires a skill set that might be leaning toward social work or communications, and many people have advanced degrees in this. They also have the opportunity for growth, something that all of these fields possess.Learn more about this dynamic area in this graphic.Infographic Source â€"

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Can I be Honest On My Retail Job Application -

What do you like about coffee?I love a good cup of coffee. I have an espresso machine at home that cost me over $1,000 so I can have quality coffee every day. I change the water temperature and water pressure based on where I’ve sourced the espresso beans in order to bring out their unique flavor characteristics. Coffee brings people together and stimulates the mind.Why would you like to work for Starbucks Coffee Company?I need a job, and I heard the benefits here are really great. Plus, I already know   how to make lattes, so I won’t be that hard to train. I’m an early morning person and can be available during morning rush.Describe a specific situation where you have provided excellent customer service in your most recent position. Why was this effective?Well, I’m only 20 so I don’t have that much work experience. However, when my parents have dinner parties, I really like greeting people at the door and making sure everyone has something to drink. I find that being nice to people is really effective.We, the potential candidates for your store, have a hard time taking these sorts of questions seriously. Does my first experience with your brand really need to be trying to BS my way into an interview in two lines or less?Back to my daughter’s assignment. As I read through her real answers, not my ironic ones, it occurred to me that by the time she might actually apply to Starbucks, the whole concept of a paper application might be ancient history. She’ll look back at this assignment and laugh at the anachronism.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Get Fired (Up), Ladies! The QA recording + free download - When I Grow Up

Get Fired (Up), Ladies! The QA recording + free download - When I Grow Up Danielle and I had such a blast on Vokle yesterday talkin to The Ladies about gettin fired. We spoke about our own experiences, our fears (and how we wouldnt let them win), our options (there is a grey area you probably arent seeing we promise!), how to figure out *what* is actually wrong with your job (instead of it just being a general uh-oh-ness), tools to help you figure out Whats Next, how to reflect *and* work on your biz simultaneouslyoh, I can go on, obviously! It was a juicy one.But instead of me typing away, head on over to the recording and you can not only skip it to the question you wanna hear get answered! So cool. We also made a free download that lets you assess whether its time for you to Get Fired *and* some homework ideas to help you get prepared. You can get the info at the end of the recording, or you can click right here. Also also, its not too late to give our panel a thumbs up! We need those votes by the end of the week, and wed be thrilled thrilled thrilled if you take the time. Happy almost-Labor Day weekend, you guys! Ill be back next week with a great giveaway, but before then I might have a brand new site. Eek! Were working hard behind the scenes to get things launchedIll keep you posted! Til then, please let me know in the comments if you have any other fired-related questions/comments. Danielle and I wanna make sure the conversation/revolution continues no matter what SXSW decides!